PubleX Documentum Environment

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What is PubleX Documentum Environment?
What purpose does PDE serve?
Why is PebleX a viable alternative to other commercial software?
What formats will be supported by PubleX?
What else can PDE do?
Who is the PDE end-user?
Interested in joining the effort?

What is PubleX Documentum Environment?

PubleX is an Open-Sourced project aimed at providing a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to electronic publishing.
What does this mean in English?

PubleX seeks to be a freely available publishing engine that is capable of fulfilling the needs of the corporate publishing world.

What purpose does PDE serve?

The goal behind PubleX is to allow a publisher to edit, create, manage, and publish a wide range of documentation from fictional, non-fictional, technical, and non-technical publications to html web sites, PDF, Microsoft Word document format, or other various format electronic books.

Why is PubleX a viable alternative to other commercial software?

PubleX is aimed at customization to make the job of creating these publications as simple as possible, whether it is done on a single end-user's desktop, multiple desktops joined by a network, or over the internet using some form of CVS repository.  PubleX seeks to be highly customizable by natively supporting XML UI elements and the LUA scripting language.  Plug-in modifications would allow further customization making use of such scripting languages as Perl, JavaScript, VBA, and PHP.  These customizations will allow PubleX to be customized to each of its users.  Those users who specialize in publishing a specific type of publication will be capable of customizing the interface to be streamlined toward their own needs.

What formats will be supported by PubleX?

At present time, various "editor" mode formats are being considered for support within PubleX.  These formats will be capable of being directly edited and saved without a change in format.  These formats are mark-up languages such as SGML, XML, and HTML.  Other formats being considered for "publishing" formats - requiring PDE to "publish" to these formats - are Rich Text Format (RTF), Microsoft Word Document format (DOC), PDF, Postscript, and 2.0 OpenDocument format (ODT).

What else can PDE do?

Additional features scheduled for implementation include dynamic link managment, a built-in SGML and XML DTD-based editor to minimize mark-up DTD context violations, a customizable dictionary for spell-checker specific to each publication, and a modifiable document tracking process that will easily allow publication control personnel to dynamically track to position and condition of any given document within a publication.  The document tracking process will also include an automatic stage and version control system that will perform dynamic backups and SVN tasks as edits are made.

Who is the PDE end-user?

PubleX DE is primarily designed to be used by corporations employing several people to manage various positions within the publication process, but can easily be configured to be used by individuals and small project alike.

Interested in joining the effort?

Contact the project administrator on his user page or visit our Help Forum for more information.

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The PubleX Documentum Environment name and all content of this page (with obvious exception to the SourceForge Logo and name) are copyright © 2006, Jason Satterfield.